Our agency is pleased to announce that it has received salary support funding from the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec through the NovaScience program. This funding will enable us to accelerate our business development!
Our agency is particularly grateful to the Ministry for this opportunity. This funding will also enable us to offer a promotional rate on future websites developed as part of the OUVERT project (for the Quebec research community).
What is the OUVERT project?
Project OUVERT (OUverture et Visibilité de la Recherche pour toutes et pour tous) is a modern virtual showcase in the form of a digital business card, a one-page site that will speak succinctly to the media, your future partners or students. This project is aimed at researchers, or can be adapted to present a research project. We also offer other customized solutions for research centers. For examples of completed sites, visit Steve Geoffrion ‘s site or Marie-Hélène Goulet‘s site.
For more information, contact us at [email protected] or go to the contact page.
What is the NovaScience program?
The NovaScience program is a Ministry initiative designed to foster economic development in all regions of Quebec by contributing to the emergence of new generations of innovators.
A huge thank you to the Ministry for its ongoing support of young companies like ours!