Amplifying the impact of research with social networks

In our digital age, social networks have evolved to become crucial tools for the research community and scientific institutions. They are no longer limited to entertainment platforms, but offer unique opportunities to disseminate knowledge, foster collaboration, influence decisions and reach both the scientific community and a wider public.

However, we understand that for some, this universe may seem totally unknown, distant and far removed from the issues of research. You might think that social networking is irrelevant to you, and that it’s a domain reserved for communications professionals. Or you simply don’t know how to approach the question, or where to start?

Is that what you’re thinking? Well, this article is for you.

Let us guide you through the right methodology for using social networks effectively in your search.

Step 1: Identify and understand your audience on social networks

The first essential step is to identify and understand your target audience. This means distinguishing between the primary target audience, directly interested in the research results, and the secondary audience, who can help disseminate the information to this audience.

Do you want to reach your peers first? Or the participating members of your research projects?

The key is to recognize where these groups interact online (e.g. LinkedIn for a professional audience, X, Tik Tok and Facebook for a wider, more diverse audience).

Step 2: Identify your main objective in using social networks

Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s important to think about the specific objectives of your social networking presence.

As an agency specializing in science communication, here is a selection of objectives that we adopt and highly recommend (inspired by Li et al, 2021) (1) :

  • Promoting and selling This can involve highlighting research advances or internship and job opportunities offered by your laboratory or institution. The aim is to increase the visibility and recognition of your work or professional opportunities.
  • Connect and collaborate Social networking: use social networks to establish links with other members of the research community, institutions and interest groups. This fosters potential collaborations and shares knowledge within the scientific community.
  • Listen and learn Social networks: social networks are an ideal platform for gathering external feedback and perspectives. This can include comments on your research, suggestions for future studies, or insights into the public’s needs and interests.
  • Empower and engage Encourage public participation and involvement. This can mean involving the public in participatory science projects, raising awareness of important research topics, or inspiring younger members of the research community.

By aligning your communications strategy with these objectives, you can optimize your use of social networks to amplify the impact of your research, effectively reaching and engaging your audience.

Step 3: Plan your social media posts strategically

Once you have identified your target audience and objectives, you should be able to define categories publication schedule. A well-structured, regular publication schedule, aligned with your audience’s interests and highlighting the relevant aspects of your research, will ensure consistency and commitment.

Planning your posts will maximize the impact of your social networking presence. Hot topics, significant advances in your field or unique perspectives on well-known subjects can be wise choices, depending on your audience. While planning is not mandatory, it does help you produce content on a regular basis. For example, you could devote a block of 2 hours a month to preparing a few publications that you would schedule at regular intervals.

Step 4: Actively engage with your community on social networks

Active engagement is essential. Participate in discussions surrounding your own publications, but don’t neglect interaction with other people’s publications either.

Have you come across an interesting post about the latest advances in your field of research? Rather than simply liking it, consider leaving a constructive comment to spark discussion. Similarly, when other researchers comment on your publications, respond to their questions and opinions with enthusiasm.

Show a genuine interest in developing a dynamic, interactive community. This makes it more attractive for others to interact with your own content. It also makes it easier to personalize your News Feed with relevant publications. Indeed, the more you interact with a certain type of content, the more the algorithm will present you with similar content.

Step 5: Create collaborations through social networks

Social networks are also a powerful tool for establishing collaborations. Use them to connect with other members of the research community and institutions sharing common professional interests.

For example, LinkedIn groups specific to a research field facilitate interaction between experts all over the world. Tweets about conferences or publications can attract the attention of like-minded researchers, leading to new collaborations.

Search for keywords in the network navigation bars, analyze the pages and groups your peers subscribe to, and start making connections.

Step 6: The action stage

Now that you’ve explored these five essential steps for amplifying the impact of your search with social networks, it’s time to take action.

Social networks are no longer an unknown and distant world, but a precious resource at your fingertips. So don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers. It’s time to bring your research to life by sharing it with your community. Don’t forget that every like, comment and share can help propel your work to new horizons.

Get started now and make your social networking presence a key asset in your career as a researcher.

Good luck amplifying your scientific impact!

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The writing of this article was made possible thanks to salary support from the NovaScience program funded by the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec. Le programme NovaScience est une initiative du ministère qui vise à favoriser le développement économique de toutes les régions du Québec en contribuant à l’émergence de nouvelles générations d’innovateurs. Un immense merci au ministère pour son soutien continu envers les jeunes entreprises comme la nôtre!

(1) Li, F., Larimo, J., & Leonidou, L. C. (2021). Social media marketing strategy: definition, conceptualization, taxonomy, validation, and future agenda. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 51-70.

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