12 must-have resources for learning the art of storytelling in science communication

In the field of science communication, storytelling plays a fundamental role. It is the art of transforming complex data and abstract concepts into captivating, understandable stories. Effective storytelling in science is not just about simplifying information; it aims to create an emotional and intellectual bond with the audience, facilitating comprehension and memorization.

So how do you ensure that your audience is not only informed, but also deeply involved in your scientific discoveries? Look no further, we’ve put together all the information you need.

In this blog post, we invite you to explore 12 must-have resources that will guide you through the subtle art of storytelling in science communication. From books rich in practical advice, to inspiring videos demonstrating storytelling in action, to scientific articles offering unique perspectives, this exploration will offer you a full range of tools to effectively captivate and engage your audience. Get ready to discover how to bring your scientific ideas to life and make your communication even more impactful!

Key books

  1. Malavoy, S. (2020). Science popularization – Practical guide. Acfas. Ce guide destiné à la communauté de recherche est un outil essentiel pour rendre la communication scientifique accessible. Il fournit de nombreux conseils pratiques, en utilisant des exemples concrets et en racontant des histoires de façon captivante.
  2. Bucchi, M., & Trench, B. (Eds.). (2021). Routledge handbook of public communication of science and technology. Routledge.Ce manuel offre une vue d’ensemble complète des différentes méthodes et pratiques en communication scientifique. Il aborde la narration comme un outil crucial pour engager divers publics, en présentant des études de cas et des théories pour aider les scientifiques à partager efficacement leur savoir.
  3. Ouimet, M. (2020). Understanding and Communicating Science. 3rd edition . Les Presses de l’Université Laval. Ce livre fournit des conseils pratiques pour communiquer la science de manière efficace et engageante. Il explore comment la narration peut être utilisée pour surmonter les barrières entre les scientifiques et le public, en rendant la science accessible et pertinente pour toutes et tous.
Livre Vulgarisation scientifique - Guide pratique Acfas

Inspiring videos

  1. Storr, W. (2014). The Science of Storytelling. TEDx Manchester In this fascinating lecture, Storr explores how stories shape our understanding of the world. He highlights the importance of stories in human communication, including science, where they can transform complex data into compelling narratives. This video is an excellent starting point for understanding why storytelling is essential and how to use it effectively in scientific communication.
  2. Marshall, M. (2012). Talk Nerdy to Me. TEDGlobal With her dynamic approach, Marshall demonstrates how scientists can communicate complex concepts in a clear and captivating way. She emphasizes the importance of making science accessible and interesting to a non-specialist audience. Her practical advice on simplifying scientific language and using analogies is particularly useful for improving scientific storytelling.
  3. Greene, R. (2014). The 7 secrets of the greatest speakers in history. TEDxOrangeCoast. Greene shares the techniques used by history’s most influential speakers. His teachings on the art of rhetoric and the construction of an impactful speech are directly applicable to the scientific presentation. This video offers invaluable tools for improving not only the clarity of the presentation, but also its power to captivate the audience.

Relevant articles

  1. Paul, J. W., & Cicek, J. S. (2013). The Cognitive Science of PowerPoint. https://doi.org/10.24908/pceea.vi0.14872
    PowerPoint: this article looks at how PowerPoint, often used in scientific presentations, can be optimized for better communication. The authors discuss best practices for the use of visuals and text, offering advice.
  2. Bonnet, V., Camille-Delahaye, P., & Sebbah, B. (2021). Storytelling, narrative between construction and atomization of image and discourse. Communication & Management, 18(1), 5-14. https://doi.org/10.3917/comma.181.0005 In this article, we explore the duality of storytelling as an image-building and communication tool. It discusses how storytelling can shape public perception, a crucial perspective for understanding how stories can be used to present science in a more engaging and memorable way.
  3. Antolinos-Basso, D., & Valle, N. L. (2021). Making science talk. Interview with Jihane Benamar, Delphine Cavallo, Lisa George and Amélie Vairelles (scientific communication officers). Tracés. Humanities magazine (21), 171-188 . https://doi.org/10.4000/traces.13508: this interview provides an overview of science communication challenges and strategies. The different perspectives of communication specialists offer valuable insights into how to make science accessible and engage the public, highlighting the importance of storytelling in the dialogue between scientists and lay people.

Digital resources

In the digital world, resources for learning and practicing storytelling in scientific communication are increasingly varied. Among them, the podcast En sci bons termes. En sci bons termes is the podcast where we talk to experts in science popularization. The podcast is hosted by Viviane Lalande, a teacher, trainer and popularizer herself – on YouTube and elsewhere.

Website Shortcutis a mine of information and training dedicated to scientific communication. It offers practical advice, tools and resources to improve the clarity and impact of scientific communications. RaccourSci is particularly useful for those seeking to hone their ability to convey complex information in a simple, narrative way.

Through its blog posts, projects and social media,PhDesign is also a useful resource for your projects.

What about you?

We hope this blog post has provided you with a solid foundation for exploring the art of storytelling in science communication.

Now it’s your turn! Put into practice the resources and tips shared here. Explore new techniques, test different approaches and share your own experiences with the scientific community.

Remember that storytelling is a continuous learning process. Don’t be afraid to experiment, to fail and to improve. Each attempt brings you a little closer to becoming an accomplished science communicator.

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The writing of this article was made possible thanks to salary support from the NovaScience program funded by the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec. Le programme NovaScience est une initiative du ministère qui vise à favoriser le développement économique de toutes les régions du Québec en contribuant à l’émergence de nouvelles générations d’innovateurs. Un immense merci au ministère pour son soutien continu envers les jeunes entreprises comme la nôtre!

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