Key principles of graphic design

Design graphique

This blog post is intended for research and academic staff interested in developing basic graphic design skills to improve the visual appearance of their documents. The material discussed is a summary of graphic designer Robin Williams’ (not the actor!), The Non-Designer’s Design Book. This book is written for people who are new to design and […]

How to improve an organization’s environmental performance

performance environnementale

How can managers be brought to understand the importance of psychological factors in encouraging employees to adopt environmentally responsible behaviors in order to improve the environmental performance of organizations? This is the research goal of Virginie Francoeur, assistant professor in social sciences at Polytechnique Montréal. In a research project she conducted with Pascal Paillé, tenured […]

Best practices for podcast production

production baladodiffusions

While it’s true that you can launch a podcast with your smartphone, it is certainly not the way to create a quality product that people will enjoy listening to. Tip #1: Consider your podcast’s persona First and foremost, as with any communication project, you need to consider one question: is there an audience for my […]