About Us

A website to demystify autism: ABCduSpectre

In a context where autism is still largely surrounded by prejudice, despite the abundance of online resources, ABCduSpectre was created to offer a structured and accessible approach. This web page aims to present autism through the eyes of a person affected by it, combining experiential knowledge with scientific knowledge in a concise, interactive format.

Agence PhDesign collaborated with Jane, the project's instigator and content manager, to create a resource that was both engaging and relevant. The site stands out for its clean design and intuitive navigation, facilitating access to information while offering an immersive experience.


An accessible and adaptable resource

The aim of the project was to offer a resource that demystifies autism by combining scientific facts with a human approach. Unlike a traditional information site, ABCduSpectre adopts a hybrid format between blog post and multi-page website. This approach allows for fluid reading while facilitating the transmission of key information.

" I wanted to create a space that would give a concrete idea of our reality while deconstructing certain prejudices. This page is an invitation to better understand others, through data, but above all through a human experience. This was made possible thanks to essential collaborative work with Coralie, the agency's graphic designer, and Jean-François, web designer. Ideas are conveyed through words, but also through visuals "explains Jane.


A replicable model for various sectors

Agence PhDesign implemented a careful visual design to facilitate content accessibility. The use of a soft color palette and illustrations specifically created for the project help make the information more intuitive and engaging.

This approach is not limited to autism: it can be adapted to other themes that face prejudice or a lack of awareness, such as mental health, chronic illness, inclusion in the workplace or accessibility issues.

A tool for several audiences

This type of resource is of interest to several types of players:

  • Healthcare and research institutions : hospitals, foundations, researchers wishing to popularize their work.
  • Community organizations and associations Community organizations and associations: those who promote inclusion and awareness of social issues.
  • Companies and HR departments Companies and HR departments: committed to diversity and inclusion programs.
  • Educational environments Universities, schools and training centers wishing to integrate awareness-raising tools into their practices.
  • Media and popularization platforms Interested in innovative formats for conveying complex knowledge.


A model for impact and awareness

ABCduSpectre's approach to experiential outreach is an example of an innovative project that can be replicated in a variety of contexts. This site illustrates Agence PhDesign's commitment to designing communication solutions that are accessible and impactful.

Would you like to develop a similar awareness-raising project? Contact us to discuss it!

Link to website: abcduspectre.ca